By introducing in-app tracking in AudienceReport and UserReport, we can now identify and validate audiences in apps like we do in browsers

An increasing part of our time online is spent in apps rather than browsers. Naturally, this creates a great need for being able to identify and validate audiences in apps. That’s why we’re excited to announce, that in-app tracking is now being introduced for both AudienceReport and UserReport.

AudienceReport – Measure in-app campaigns

For AudienceReport, the introduction of in-app tracking means that our cross-device measurement capabilities are now expanded to not only include campaign measurements in browser based websites and apps, but also in native apps on iOS and Android.

In other words, the metrics you know and love from AudienceReport – such as the audience profile, reach and frequency – can now be reported for campaigns that run in-app.

UserReport – Identify audiences across platforms

For UserReport, the introduction of in-app tracking makes it possible for publishers to identify their audience across all platforms. This includes gathering of user demographics such as gender, age and income on both browsers and apps.

Furthermore, publishers can now track their users’ satisfaction on both browser based platforms and apps and learn how to improve through direct feedback from their users.

For Jysk Fynske Medier, one the biggest media groups in Denmark, in-app tracking is welcomed as a highly desired feature:

“Our audience is spread out on both browsers and native apps. To get a holistic overview of our audience, the possibility to do in-app tracking was needed”

Dennis Vesti Brorsen
Head of Data & Audience at Jysk Fynske Medier.

How it works

By using device-ID’s (also called advertising identifiers), we are able to tie in-app usage to our individual panelists. These device-ID’s are called IDFA (Identifier For Advertisers) on iOS devices and AAID (Android Advertising ID) on Android devices.

In AudienceReport, the in-app tracking is done by firing a tracking pixel as with traditional browser based traffic. The only requirement is that the platform / ad server is able to return device-ID’s.

How to get started


Learn how to get started measuring your in-app campaigns in AudienceReport by reading our implementation guide here. For more information about our capabilities to measure in-app, please contact Thomas Jepsen at


For more information about our capabilities to identify audiences in apps, please contact Amalie Schjønning at